


发布者:系统管理员   发布时间:2017-06-10


讲座题目: Intimacy and Inter-generational Relations in Rural China

讲座学者刘捷玉 副教授 伦敦大学亚非学院中国研究院副院长

主 持 人:冯冰 副教授


AbstractThis paper applies the concept of intimacy to examine relationships between adult children and their parents in rural China � an area which has been predominantly located in an obligatory framework. I reveal a qualitative difference in support between relationships built on intimate ties and those bound by duty and obligation. A unilateral emphasis on obligation-based relationships can deprive both the parent and adult child generations of agency and autonomy, which can be disempowering for both. The complex relations between intimacy and obligation are the product of local socio-economic circumstances and gender norms. Although traditional patrilineal and patrilocal culture excludes married daughters from the filial discourse surrounding their own parents, they are often considered to have the most intimate relationship with their parents. Paradoxically, the practices of intimacy between aged parents and their married daughters strengthen the natal ties that facilitate modifications to patrilocal and patrilineal customs.



讲座题目White-collar beauties in Urban China: Gender, Sexuality and Power in Chinese Companies
讲座学者刘捷玉 副教授 伦敦大学亚非学院中国研究院副院长

主 持 人:张兴奎 副教授


讲座地点: 紫金港校区东六402

Abstract: This talk is based upon my new book on white-collar beauties published by Palgrave 2016. This book offers the first ethnographic account of the experiences of highly educated young professional women, hailed by the Chinese media as ‘white-collar beauties’. It exposes the organizational mechanisms � naturalization, objectification and commodification of women � that wield gendered and sexual control in post-Mao workplaces. Whilst men benefit from symbolic and bureaucratic power, women professionals skilfully enact indirect power in a game of domination and resistance. The sources of women’s subversion are grounded in their only-child upbringing which breaks the patrilineal base of familial patriarchy fostering an unprecedented ambition in personal development, gender as inherently relational and a role-oriented system, and inner-outer cultural boundaries as signifiers of moral agency. This raises a new feminist inquiry about the agents for social change. Through a nuanced analysis grounded in the socio-cultural locality, this book throws fresh light upon the ways in which gender, sexuality and power could be theorized beyond a Euro-American reality.


刘捷玉,跨文化与区域研究所客座青年学者, 现任伦敦大学亚非学院中国研究院副院长,副教授(终身制),博士生导师。近两年研究方向为中国家庭,代际关系,养老问题。已发表30多篇中英文论文,其中包括2本英文专著,3本编著和多篇SSCI核心期刊文章。多次受邀国际媒体采访,包括BBCCNNNBC,卫报,时代杂志,每日邮报,中国日报等。曾担任英国科学院,英国社会科学理事会项目主持人。现任英国社会学会核心期刊‘社会学’ 编委(世界社会学期刊排名:13SSCI),英国社会科学理事会评委会成员。2015年起,担任欧洲研究理事会项目的主持人,负责研究中国家庭生活的变迁。







