

关于英国 Scherto Gill 博士学术讲座的通知

发布者:系统管理员   发布时间:2017-09-30

讲座学者:英国 Scherto Gill 博士

讲座题目:Human-Centred Education: An Introduction to Theories and Practices

讲座时间:20171016日(周一)上午 9:30-11:30




Human-Centred Education: An Introduction to Theories and Practices

by Dr Scherto Gill

Senior Fellow, Centre for Global Peace and Flourishing;

Visiting Fellow, School of Education, University of Sussex

Globally, we are facing a significant contemporary crisis. In the relentless pursuits of economic betterment, we find ourselves increasingly alienated from the most fundamental to a good life � the essence of being human and becoming more fully human. Many have attributed this crisis to the failure of our education.

   So in this seminar, we will explore a new pathway in education: Human-Centred Education. It is an innovative vision of schooling that radically rethinks the aims of education, the nature of learning, growth of human being, and development of community. At the core of the human-centred approach lies our understanding of what it means to be human together, with each other, with the world.

   More specifically, we will discuss what Human-Centred Education is, its philosophical underpinnings, key pillars (curriculum, pedagogy, evaluation, culture of the community) and how HCE can be implemented as a whole-school initiative, or woven into particular aspects of school life.

The seminar is intended to be interactive and participatory. All is welcome!

   For more information about Human-Centred Education, see:

 Rethinking Secondary Education: A Human-Centred Approach, by Scherto Gill & Garrett Thomson, published by Pearson/Routledge

   Human-Centred Education: A Practical Handbook, by Scherto Gill & Garrett Thomson, published by Routledge








