Historical texts, local voices and the cultural
(re-)making of the past in the present:
A discourse study of heritage in Quzhou , China
Hou Song
Abstract: Heritage is increasingly recognized as discursive practice. What it is and does are shaped and constrained by discourses relevant to it. Contemporary heritage conception and practices around the world is dominated by Western “authorized heritage discourse” (AHD, Smith 2006) and other “newly emerging globalized heritage discourse” (Wu and Hou forthcoming). In this research project, I aim to problematize the universality of such discursive construction and make heard Chinese local discourse of what we today call “heritage” for multicultural dialogue. To this end, I construct an interdisciplinary, intercultural framework of discourse study that encompasses not only discourse analytical work on historical texts related to heritage issues, but also endeavors in re-narrating heritages as an alternative way to do critical discourse study.
My inquiry is anchored in Quzhou, one of the state-sanctioned cultural-historic cities. It is three-fold. First, I utilize the Chinese concept ‘guji’ (古迹) to unravel a culturally different way in understanding the past in the present. Through discourse analysis of guji in Quzhou local gazetteers, I demonstrate how it is divergent from authoritative contemporary representations of heritage in terms of categorization, materiality, and site. Second, I examine how what we today call “heritage” are discursively represented and constructed in Quzhou gazetteers. Of special interests is the use of quotations, annotations and poetry and how they contribute to the meaning-making of the past in the present. Third, I use what I call multi-discursive ethnography to remake Quzhou heritages. Through two cases studies--the
Key words: heritage discourse, historical texts, local voices, multi-discursive ethnography, Quzhou