
Professor Shi Xu Made an Academic Lecture Tour in Europe


May 10th, 2010


On May 5th, Prof. Shi Xu, the director of the Institute of Discourse and Cultural Studies, Specially-appointed “Yangtse

River Scholar” Professor by Ministry of Education, ended his 3-month academic lecture tour around Europe and returned



During the 3 months, Professor Shi Xu was invited by many universities in Europe, including University of Paris (Paris 3, 5 and 12), University of Geneva, Zürich University of Applied Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin, Mainz Johannes

Gutenberg University, University of Innsbruck, University of Milan, and the Milan University of Modern Language. The

themes of the lectures included: the discourse in Chinese human rights, the discourse in foreign trade, the discourse

in the development of cities, and the Chinese characterization of discourse studies.


In his lectures, Professor Shi Xu introduced the situation of education and scientific research in our university, and

discussed with many universities about the student exchange programs for Master graduates and PhD graduates. He

helped to promote the reputation of our university and further enhanced the cooperation with European universities, which

impelled the Internationalization of the education in Zhejiang University.


In addition, Professor Shi Xu introduced the Journal of Multicultural Discourses edited by him and welcomed all scholars who share the same research interest to contribute to the Journal.


(Translated by WANG Ge’rui)


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