Academic Events

Academic Events

Celebrated Professor Dominique Desjeux on French Anthropology and Sociology Gave A Lecture in SIS



April. 14th, invited by the Institute of French Language and Culture, Professor D.Desjeux delivered an excellent lecture about “Methodology of Surveys” (La  méthodologie d'enquêteto) to both undergraduate and postgraduate students majored in French at East-6-306.


Working for Université René Descartes, D.Desjeux is a professor of anthropology and sociology and has a profound knowledge about Chinese social culture. In the lecture, he emphasized three methods of doing social surveys: 1) La méthode des échelles d’observation; 2) La méthode des itineraries; 3) La méthode de cycle de vie. Through the photos taken by himself in the past years, Professor Desjeux presented the fundamental changes which has taken place in China since China’s reform and opening-up from the perspective of a French. He also showed his films shoot in Guangzhou, Beijing and Harbin respectively.


Throughout the lecture, Professor D. Desjeux used Mandarin with an French accent now and then, vividly sharing the popular neologism at present with the students. His humor brought students laughter, as well as thorough thinking.


Professor D. Desjeux’s lecture has not only broaden our minds and informed us with the methodology of doing surveys, but also infused new interests and energy to our study. At the same time, his lecture inspired us to do our research by analogy in the future and encouraged us to have more confidence and enthusiasm in both French and French culture.  


                                   Institute of French Language and Culture


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